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Eeek! My First Post!!

  I am going to be really honest and admit that I am hesitant to start this blog.  I really know very little about the world of blogging and all the lingo that goes along with it.  There are so many reasons that it may not be a good idea; overexposing my son online, offending my peeps, my students reading it and learning more then I am comfortable having them know about me, adding one more guilt inducing task to my already busy schedule....but I feel like the universe has led me down this path and I figure it is worth giving a try.  This is a bit of an experiment for me!  Besides the fact that no one will likely even read my blog!!  I know, all the "serious bloggers" would be rolling their eyes right now.  I would be too, if I were them!

  I don't have a firm topic that I will be writing about.  My plan is to write when I feel inspired to share something.  It may be a do-it-yourself home project, a funny parenting story, a cool new product I have come across....who knows!  I feel like I will get bored if I try to stick to one topic and really the point is to give myself a place to be creative and express myself in writing.  I recently sat down and wrote a short children's story for fun, and it reminded me how much I enjoy writing.  It has always been easier for me to communicate "on paper".  So here I am!  For myself, if nothing else!

  I am a 39 year old, single mother of a hilarious, compassionate, amazing 4 year old boy.  I work full time in the education field and love my job.  I am currently off on summer vacation, and thus, have the time to think about starting a blog!  We'll see how often I find time to write after September 1st!

I do not claim to be an amazing writing talent, by any means!  If you have read to the end of this post, you already know I completely overuse the exclamation mark!!  I think it speaks to my personality.  Life has provided me many bumps in the road but I am a firm believer that all my experiences have made me stronger and challenged me to grow as a person.  I still have tons of work to do, as we all do, but if you find what I have to say inspiring, interesting or entertaining, that would make me very happy. Wish me well on this new adventure!  I hope inspiration hits again soon!  Happy Blogging to me!!


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