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To Costgo or not to Costgo

Here I sit on a peaceful Saturday morning, sipping coffee and debating whether or not to brave  frightening Costco on the weekend.  I normally make it a Friday night stop, doing a cheap dinner and fairly calm shop without much fuss.  Except that, as I wrote in a past post, during the summer my schedule goes out the window.  So now I am faced with the decision between the need to get some things done and the fear of Saturday Costco.

The first negative will be the parking lot.  It isn't even that difficult to find a spot.  The frustrating part is navigating a giant metal death machine through the shoppers who feel like they can walk here there and right down the centre of the road,  just because they have an overflowing cart of bulk buys.  Then there are the shoppers who will step out in front of the car without a second thought and shoot you a grumpy "I-just-spent-two-hours-in-weekend-Costco-I-dare-you-to-mess-with-me" look.

Don't even get me started on trying to get around the warehouse while pushing a cart.  I wonder if there is some shopping psychology behind all the blind corners Costco creates with the sky-high displays at the end of the aisles.  Perhaps people spend more money because they have to slow down to take the corners slowly, so they don't crash into other carts coming the opposite way!  But let's be honest, not everyone feels the need to slow down around those sharp turns!  I must admit that I have literally jumped in surprise and let out a quiet squeal when someone came barreling around one of those corners towards me!  Scary!

And oh my, the Lovely who parks themselves in front of the refrigerator doors to read label after label, while I wait patiently for them to finish and move along.  And then Lovely #2 comes along, doesn't even notice me and shoves their way in there to grab exactly the item I am waiting patiently to get!  Sounds like fun....not!

Image result for label reader

The gigantic line ups, loading the car while someone waits for my parking spot while I give them the "I-just-spent-two-hours-in-weekend-Costco-I-dare-you-to-mess-with-me" look, trying to get the heck out of the parking lot without hurting anyone....I think another coffee is in order.  This decision seems like a no-brainer now.  There are other places to get a passport photo, a jug of milk and a six month supply of toilet paper today.  See you Monday, Costco! 

Image result for shopper


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