As I sit here waiting for my grumpy, over tired four year old to fall asleep, I can't help but think, "Thank goodness for 9am swimming lessons for the next two weeks!" Crazy right? There was a time in my life when 9am passed me by most days while I happily slumbered away my summer vacation and now I am grateful to have to set the alarm and be somewhere by 9am every morning? What is this about?
As the school year creeps to an end each June, I long for the freedom that comes with no schedule. This summer has been different. Sometimes, the so called "lazy days of summer" have become challenging for us. I think my son has reached the point in his development, where it is easier to be out and busy with him, than it is to have a lazy day at home. As I have been pondering this idea today, it has crossed my mind that this is may be part of the reason parents over schedule their children with activities. We have heard a lot in the media about kids being too busy with extra-curricular activities and not having enough time for free play. I have always felt that this was true but as my son gets older, I am starting to see where these parents are coming from.
Our day today began with both of us sleeping in until almost 9am. Great right? Not considering that my son was awake until midnight last night because he was so tired yesterday, that he fell asleep at 7pm, slept until 10pm and then couldn't get back to sleep. Our usually pretty relaxed sleep schedule has been destroyed by summer. I know, I know, I can only blame myself but I have never been one to miss out on evening fun with my son just because I feel the need to maintain a strict bedtime for him. During the school year though, we snap back to our schedule more quickly then we are able to in the summer.
The day continued with me trying to conquer some Ikea furniture that has been haunting me for a few days. I managed to put the piece together but with some "help" from my cutie pie, which we all know actually prolongs the pain. Breathe Mummy! We also now have a giant box taking up space in our 700 square foot home because it has been turned into "the best robot ever"! But hey, I can't squash the free creative play on our lazy day, right?
The rest of the day consisted of alternating outside play (which of course I have to go out to supervise because kidnappers are everywhere these days!) and making giant messes in the living room! Cushions, pillows, popcorn, wooden blocks, trucks and cars, spilt water...the list of messes go on! And I will say that my son is pretty darn good at cleaning up after himself but let's be real he doesn't volunteer to clean it up, and sometimes it's easier to just do it myself.
As the evening approached, there were two grumps stomping around the house. And I was wishing we had gone out and done something fun today. Lazy days with a four year old, are not what they used to be pre-child. And thus, my epiphany about over scheduled children.
I am starting to think that because down time is so much more work for parents, it leads them to book up as much time as possible with activities to keep their children busy and out of the house. Gone are the days when our parents sent us outside with our bikes for "free play" and didn't see us again until dinner! Between that and the fact that we live in a fast paced world where we can all be reached at all times, I can certainly see how this over scheduling can happen!
I wish I had an easy solution but frankly, I don't have time to think about this right now! I need to get to bed! We have to be at the pool by 9am!

As the school year creeps to an end each June, I long for the freedom that comes with no schedule. This summer has been different. Sometimes, the so called "lazy days of summer" have become challenging for us. I think my son has reached the point in his development, where it is easier to be out and busy with him, than it is to have a lazy day at home. As I have been pondering this idea today, it has crossed my mind that this is may be part of the reason parents over schedule their children with activities. We have heard a lot in the media about kids being too busy with extra-curricular activities and not having enough time for free play. I have always felt that this was true but as my son gets older, I am starting to see where these parents are coming from.
Our day today began with both of us sleeping in until almost 9am. Great right? Not considering that my son was awake until midnight last night because he was so tired yesterday, that he fell asleep at 7pm, slept until 10pm and then couldn't get back to sleep. Our usually pretty relaxed sleep schedule has been destroyed by summer. I know, I know, I can only blame myself but I have never been one to miss out on evening fun with my son just because I feel the need to maintain a strict bedtime for him. During the school year though, we snap back to our schedule more quickly then we are able to in the summer.

The day continued with me trying to conquer some Ikea furniture that has been haunting me for a few days. I managed to put the piece together but with some "help" from my cutie pie, which we all know actually prolongs the pain. Breathe Mummy! We also now have a giant box taking up space in our 700 square foot home because it has been turned into "the best robot ever"! But hey, I can't squash the free creative play on our lazy day, right?

As the evening approached, there were two grumps stomping around the house. And I was wishing we had gone out and done something fun today. Lazy days with a four year old, are not what they used to be pre-child. And thus, my epiphany about over scheduled children.
I am starting to think that because down time is so much more work for parents, it leads them to book up as much time as possible with activities to keep their children busy and out of the house. Gone are the days when our parents sent us outside with our bikes for "free play" and didn't see us again until dinner! Between that and the fact that we live in a fast paced world where we can all be reached at all times, I can certainly see how this over scheduling can happen!
I wish I had an easy solution but frankly, I don't have time to think about this right now! I need to get to bed! We have to be at the pool by 9am!

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