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Showing posts from October, 2015

Online Shopping Turns My Crank!

I don't love shopping.  I have always been the kind of shopper who waits until they desperately need something, goes into the store at the quietest possible time, goes straight to the needed item, picks one from the back that no one else has touched, barely looks at the price tag, takes it to the counter, pays, and then gets the heck out of there.   Online shopping however, really does it for me.  I can spend hours browsing through products from the comfort of my own couch, in my comfy sweatpants and stained tank top!  I will invest time comparing prices, searching different websites, and reading reviews.  Why is it such a different experience for me than in-store shopping?   First of all, online shopping appeals to my introvert self.  It does not require face to face communication with any other human beings!  Wahoo, after a long day or week of patiently reminding 10 years to raise their hand before they share their idea.  Ther...